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How ao messaging works

Before we dive in to ao, I want to share with you a little information about unix. Unix is a powerful operating system, but in its design it is focused on two Principal "Types". Files and Programs. A File is data and a program is logic, when you combine the two you get information.

Input.file | TransformProgram | Output.file

You may have done something like this on the command line without knowing what you are doing. Being able to connect files to programs and return files which can then be passed to other programs creates a complex system composed of simple applications. This is a very powerful idea.

Now, lets talk about ao the hyper parallel computer, and lets change the idea of a File to the ao concept of a Message and the idea of a Program to the ao concept of a Process. The ao computer takes messages and sends them to Processes in which those Processes can output messages that can be sent to other Processes. The result is a complex system built on simple modular logic containers.

MessageA | Process | MessageB


Here is a description of the process as outlined in the flowchart:

  1. A message is initiated from an ao Connect. This message is sent to the mu service using a POST request. The body of the request contains data following a protocol, labeled 'ao', and is of the type 'Message'.

  2. The mu service processes the POST request and forwards the message to the su service. This is also done using a POST request with the same data protocol and message type.

  3. The su service stores the assignment and message on Arweave.

  4. A GET request is made to the cu service to retrieve result based on a message ID. The cu is a service that evaluates messages on processes and can return result based on an individual message identifier.

  5. A GET request is made to the su service to retrieve the assignment and message. This request is looking for messages from a process ID, within a range of time from a start (from the last evaluation point) to (to the current messageId).

  6. The final step is to push any outbox Messages. It involves reviewing the messages and spawns in the Result Object. Based on the outcome of this check, the steps 2, 3, and 4 may be repeated for each relevant message or spawn.